
Posts Tagged ‘water for bees’

Thirsty Bees

The lack of spring rains and subsequent drought in New Mexico this year has sent many bees to our birdbaths and fountains, and I’ve had a number of people ask me what can be done about it.  Some get concerned when this happens as they are not comfortable with buzzing bees around their patio.   You can help the bees by providing them with their own supply of water.  Just set out a pan or other shallow container containing a layer of stones, fill it half full of water and place it at a far end of your garden on a raised brick or other  rock.   Bees will then come and lick the moisture off the stones. ( Bees are poor swimmers and can easily drown if they slip into open water.) If you have a drip system, you can run a small line to your “bee station” and it becomes almost maintenance free. Not only will this help lure the honeybees away from your water features, it will provide them extra water in these dry times.  

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